
Well regarded, well recognized, and well know for her command and service in the First Flight Forces. Acquiring the rank of Brigadier General not four months ago has only increased the praises given to her.

“If any solider deserves to be called General it would be Miss Cheers, General Cheers,” “A rank suited for such a valiant and well-rounded commander,” “Deserved!,” “We can not wait to see what her new command can accomplish. The FA is proud and we are all watching.” are just some of the praises the News Wagons have been shouting.

News of her first shining, covert, success as a General remained unannounced until she heralded it in front of a 15,000 strong crowd at the Commanding Governor's Biannual State of the Defence Speech. Being there that night was electric. Most say that her mere presence at the SDS venue eclipsed everything the Commanding Governor had to say. All except his announcement of General Bethenie Cheers taking the stage. Her second orders have been issued and everyone anticipates another success.



Edward’s village was acquired by the Federal Allegiance at the beginning of the newest War Season. His family and him were spared on account of Edward’s successful experiments with and research into the Science of Human Mechanics. His biggest successes dealing with sight and the connections of instalments to the nervous system. The FA fully funds his research now and allows his only obligation to be to his efforts into Human Mechanics. He is even allowed to visit his family once a week. 

His request forms for assimilation into the Federal Allegiance have been sent and are being processed. When the processing has come to an end his new family name will be awarded to him.

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My name is Edward Sehenmacher and I beg for help.